2007/07/20 | [发布]Metal Vista 3.0
类别(Themes) | 评论(6) | 阅读(2755) | 发表于 22:08

2007/06/29 | 10年之后又看了一遍《将爱情进行到底》.
类别(Diary) | 评论(4) | 阅读(143) | 发表于 17:44


2007/06/18 | Champions for D.Beckham and R.Carlos.
类别(Star) | 评论(4) | 阅读(79) | 发表于 13:39

Beckham and Carlos are both my favorate football players. I like Real Madrid when it have Zidane,Figo,Owen,Beckham and Carlos...

2007/06/06 | Blessing for my sister.
类别(Diary) | 评论(0) | 阅读(41) | 发表于 19:42

Tomorrow,My sister Xiao Jing will take part in National College Entrance Examnation.I wish her can have a great result at last.Blessing.

2007/06/02 | My favorite song of H.O.T
类别(Music) | 评论(1) | 阅读(75) | 发表于 23:56

I like this MV so much.I have watched it at least 100 times, but I still feel sad after watch it every time.

2007/05/24 | AC milan,European Champion!!
类别(Star) | 评论(2) | 阅读(117) | 发表于 04:47

Italy has joined Spain as the most successful country in the history of the European Champion Clubs' Cup after AC Milan defeated Liverpool FC 2-1 in Athens tonight to move Serie A on to eleven victories in total. Congratulations to AC milan.:) 

2007/05/20 | 发几张我们交大情人节的pp.
类别(Diary) | 评论(4) | 阅读(280) | 发表于 22:04

以前有个学生用我们家园楼用ps弄成了I love you的图,现在直接变成交大的一个传统了,人还真不少啊,呵呵,上几个图片先。

2007/05/20 | Chelsea won the FA Cup .
类别(Diary) | 评论(0) | 阅读(90) | 发表于 00:58

Didier Drogba scored the goal which won the FA Cup five minutes from the end of extra-time, and Chelsea have  won the FA Cup four times. The result : Chelsea 1 Manchesiter United 0. Congratulations!!

2007/05/10 | Windowblinds 6 ?
类别(Diary) | 评论(8) | 阅读(500) | 发表于 23:33

WindowBlinds is Stardock´s most popular program. With over 12 million downloads at Download.com, it is also the most popular desktop enhancement of all time. WindowBlinds 6 is in development with a ton of new features. Here is the very first sneak peek of WindowBlinds 6 in action:

2007/05/04 | [ZT]杨过的红颜知己
类别(Diary) | 评论(4) | 阅读(176) | 发表于 15:12
